Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Personal Battle

Dear Mother, this may be the last

Letter I write to you. I hope that

You can see this through. The air

Is miserable. I am starting to see

That my own country is a criminal.


Here we lay frozen to death

It’s like being under water and holding

My breath. I wish I could be with you

Sitting in front of the fire, but I

Come back to reality and realise that was just mind.


If you got this letter is because

I’m dying, I don’t want you

To hear me crying. My dearest mother

I love you, I’m telling my war

Life only to you.



My Kallum Kirkham

Year 10

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


Plot: Cassie & Valery are twins and they love the weather channel. But only because when they were babies they got brainwashed! In the hospital the weather channel was always on the TV, it must have imprinted in their brains. And one day, on their first day of work experience they encountered a phenomenal weather discovery, two weeks ago a girl got sucked into a tornado and was pronounced dead. But something brought her back and she merged with it, angry and seeking revenge to all that bullied her and pushed her into going to meet the tornado she returns back to the town that it all happened. Can Cassie & Valery use all of their knowledge to stop her?

Characters: Cassie, Valery, Donna, Samantha, Talia, Jim, Aroma, Rochae.
By Chadene Woodstock Year 8      

Monday, 13 January 2014

My Review on Speeches

From September 2013, until the first half term year 8 were learning in English about speeches. So I have decided to write a review on this specific topic because I had loads of interest in this topic, so let me start!

I think that this topic is suitable for all ages as it emphasises the work we do every day. This topic has made me improve my target as my vocabulary was put to the test, my understanding was good and helpful facts and information really helped. It has made my level go up and I have improved!

I hope our next topic of scary stories will help me improve my level more!

Thank you for reading!

By Fahim Ahmed 8O/8RG